Sunday, April 7, 2024


數年前聽到港產樂隊 My Little Airport 的一首寫實歌曲「邊一個發明了返工*」,反映眾多打工仔的心聲。在香港打工的十居其九都認同返工只會「返到我愈來愈窮」。即使你是少數幸運的打工仔,不至於愈來愈窮,但到了「青春就快用完」的中年,就只有嘆息為了工作而錯過了的寶貴生活經歷,回頭問「靈魂賣給了大財團」值得嗎?


上個月,一位朋友告訴我一則題為「藝術家駐留及展覽計劃」的政府招募廣告。該計劃是為專業或業餘藝術家提供藝術發展的機會,包括提供資金、工作室、展覽場地等,讓獲批的藝術家可以專心從事藝術工作。朋友非常雀躍,坐言起行,提交計劃書碰碰運氣。心知成功機會屬微乎其微,但心靈上已得到極大安慰,為「我有更多事沒法做完」 的心願作個交代!祝願她的計劃奇蹟地成功獲批!



Saturday, December 30, 2023

Lifestyle Game Changers in the Past 5 Decades

When contemplating the most impactful inventions that have reshaped lifestyles worldwide over the past half-century, it is difficult to dispute that the Internet, emerging in the 1970s and gaining widespread popularity in the 1980s, stands as the unequivocal pioneer. Its advent brought about a paradigm shift in the way we interact and communicate. Nowadays, the practice of sending physical letters or Christmas cards has become a rarity.

Then, in the 1990s, a remarkable development unfolded with the emergence of Facebook, masterminded by an MIT graduate Mark Zuckerberg. This groundbreaking platform revolutionized the way individuals, communities, and businesses connected with one another. As a result, the world witnessed an unprecedented proliferation of social media platforms that forever changed how information impacted people's actions and decisions. 

In 2007, Apple made a groundbreaking announcement - the iPhone. This revolutionary device completely transformed the world of personal portable communication. Not just a mobile phone, the iPhone introduced the concept of Apps, which in turn revolutionized entertainment and creative work distribution. It had a profound impact on the business landscape, leading to the demise of traditional models while opening up a multitude of new opportunities.

In the 2010s, Tesla revolutionized the electric vehicle industry, bringing about a surge in popularity. Prior to Tesla's emergence, electric vehicles were largely unappealing, and despite governments' attempts to encourage the adoption of green transportation, advancements were minimal. Tesla, however, successfully transformed the perception of electric vehicles through their introduction of impressive long-range capabilities, innovative designs, autopilot systems, and user-friendly interfaces.

Finally, in November 2022, a remarkable milestone was achieved when OpenAI introduced its revolutionary Large Language Model (LLM) chatbot application, CHATGPT. Within a mere five days, this innovative creation managed to captivate the interest of over one million eager users. Astoundingly, within just three months, its user base soared to an estimated 100 million individuals. The CHATGPT is no ordinary chatbot; it possesses the ability to provide insightful responses and analyze information in a manner strikingly reminiscent of human thought. As a result, it has become a game-changer, altering the lives of people across all professions and industries.

It is worth noting that all of these game changers were invented by Americans, with some originating from small business startups. This naturally prompts the question: What is it about Americans that fosters such creativity and enables them to have such a profound and far-reaching impact on the world? Would it be an environment of openness, general respect of diversity, unrestricted flow of information, and the freedom to think and talk?

December 31, 2023

Wednesday, December 27, 2023

問 Dear Myself 有什麼得意成就?


近期,廟街歌王尹光以他的新歌《Dear Myself》在網絡上發行專輯,突破了他過去一貫的老套唱腔,轉而以抒情流行曲風呈現。這首歌迅速在各個層面引起了極大的迴響,不論是普通街坊,還是樂壇和藝壇中的資深人士,無不對其讚不絕口,深感驚艷。大家都被薛晉寧的詞感動了,除了將尹光的經典「數毛毛」、「數波波」、「荷李活」、「十四座」巧妙地融入歌詞,也利用了尹光一生的「智慧與荒謬」引起廣大樂迷的共鳴。


尹光已經唱了50多年,現在將近80歲的他,不計較得失,依然繼續唱自己喜歡的歌曲。尹光的成功之道,就是他闊達的心態,「所得所失怎說起,轉轉心情人又照舊」,以及樂觀的性格,一句「有乜睇化唔化 玩個夠」,將不如意的事拋諸腦後,人就自然活得開心。你說尹光成功嗎?見仁見智吧!

人到了中年,「季節是歲月神偷」,自問「無無聊聊從未太閃耀」,沒有什麼得意成就可陳,尹光的《Dear Myself》為不少樂迷帶來最溫暖的安慰!難怪尹光於80歲高齡還能打進 2023年商台叱咤樂壇最受歡迎男歌手最後五強,預祝「光B」功成獲獎!


Sunday, July 9, 2023







Saturday, June 3, 2023

Cathay scandal, out of proportion and out of context!

Can anyone make sense of blaming an entire airline company, or even labeling it as "Hong Kong's shame," for a mistake made by only three cabin crews out of a staff of more than 20,000? Does this one error truly justify such severe condemnation of the company's staff training?  Our Chief Executive certainly seems to think so, as he made his open condemnation of the three crew members, but let's not forget that just a month ago, our Security Chief cautioned the public against exaggerating or generalizing the actions of a small group of badly behaved police officers.

Moreover, let's be clear: the supposed "mistake" made by the three cabin crews is not technically a mistake at all. It was merely a private conversation among colleagues that unfortunately got overheard by an eavesdropper with a recording device. Sure, it may have been a display of poor work ethic, bad behavior, and even downright stupidity, as it happened in the workplace! Think about it this way: if two waiters in a restaurant were to talk trash about their customers, would that be considered wrongdoing? Nope, they have the freedom of speech. But of course, it's not exactly professional to do so in front of customers who might overhear. Let's not pretend like this kind of thing doesn't happen in other professions too. I mean, have you ever heard doctors or teachers privately discussing how dumb their patients or students are? It's not exactly uncommon.

Apparently, some people in the government and media just had to blow this whole thing out of proportion and act like it's the end of the world. It's almost like they're trying to prove their loyalty to their Chinese superiors. Would they act this way if the situation were reversed? Doubtful.

It's a shame that Hong Kong seems to have lost its sense of fairness and rationality. Can we all just take a chill pill and realize that not every mistake deserves a public shaming?

June 3, 2023

Thursday, April 27, 2023



其中令我印象深刻的一齣趣劇,講述一名劫匪入宅行劫的經過,家傭坐在沙發上「印印腳」,懶理主人被捆綁起來, 還繼續陰陰嘴笑著看電視。這樣的場面已經令觀眾捧腹大笑,傭人還協助賊人劫走主人的財物。主人非常憤怒,待賊人離開後,質問家傭為何不幫他對付劫匪,傭人回應:「我打你呢份工幾錢呀!老闆!唔通搵命搏咩!」這句話幽默地說明了勞資關係的永恆定律,老闆對伙計諸多要求,要做到「加零一」,但從伙計的角度看,值得嗎?


許氏也善於諷刺時弊,甚至嘲笑(側面投訴)政府的管治。印象最深刻的趣劇是關於一班酒樓伙計和老闆談判,要求提高工資,伙計的不合作態度,迤迤然在酒樓捉弄顧客,情節十分搞笑。老闆請了一位外籍人士來代表他跟一眾伙計談判。伙計們以各種理由要求工資上調 100,雞同鴨講,這位老外只說「So what! No! No!」直到伙計們說 50 也可接受,坐在旁邊的老闆點點頭,示意老外可以收工了。其後,伙計們問老闆,聘請外籍法律專家的費用也應該不菲,為何不乾脆多加他們的工資呢?老闆笑說:「唔係!乜嘢法律專家呀?個鬼佬喺巴西執波之嘛!」然後,老闆說要處理另一單更困難的勞資糾紛,他的工廠有幾百名工人在罷工,說請了一位更高級別的外籍顧問,伙計追問是什麼高級別顧問,老闆答說:「他是在英國掃街的!」許氏的橋段極有深度,直指港英的管治歧視和一般市民的「怕鬼」心態,隨便在英國找一個清道夫,來到香港也可以高高在上,雖有點兒誇張,某程度也確實反映了港英時代的現實。許氏的創作反映了當時極為自由的社會環境,港英政府亦從未作出干預,或向電視台施壓,要求停止播放一些嘲笑政府的內容。 反觀現在的香港,有了國安法後,恐怕已容不下「雙星報喜」了!


Monday, April 17, 2023


前幾天,74歲的許冠傑 (阿Sam) 在紅館開騷,請來年輕歌手 Serreni 和他合唱「尖沙嘴Susie」,我在重溫歌詞之餘,佩服阿Sam 在40年前已經寫了幾乎是今天中產年輕一代的典型, 當年所謂「思想開放,好識嘆」的「飛女」,現在來看實在沒有什麼大不了。

「尖沙嘴Susie」此曲反映了香港社會的價值觀的改變,40年前的女仔如果「個性好玩」、「死都拗番生」、「密密去 Disco 通宵到達旦」、「攬身攬勢都好閒」,肯定被標籤為不良少女。40年前阿Sam不顧社會接受程度,夠膽寫又夠膽唱,回想起來也是年輕創作人的特質。但今天來說,尖沙嘴Susie 代表的乃係一般港女,社會富裕了,出身中產家庭的在在皆是,「老竇勤力慣」,又「駛乜憂兩餐」,讀過幾年蕃書,自然善於社交,出入老蘭,談笑風生(死都拗番生),吃喝消遣,又有何不妥?

阿Sam 雖然年屆74,開騷請來的嘉賓名單反映他的思想依然前衛開放。能被阿Sam 邀請的嘉賓,大家都猜想是那個年代的歌手,會否是譚詠麟,或者是那些肥媽之類的東西。正當社會上充斥著批評年輕人的聲音,說「一代不如一代」,上了岸的年長高層否定年輕人的能力,繼續沈醉於「中年好聲音」和昔日的光輝時,阿Sam 卻偏偏邀請了年輕唱作歌手Serreni、林家謙、張敬軒等與他在紅館同台演出,以他的江湖地位,表態支持年輕歌手。阿Sam 的嘉賓名單也同時包括了不同年代的歌手,如古巨基、郭富城等,為現今的社會氣氛,增添一點和諧,值得敬佩。



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