Wednesday, March 23, 2022

Hair Salons — Subtly Indispensable! 原來飛髮舖係咁重要!

Have you ever thought seriously about what has been truly indispensable to you?

The two-year-long pandemic has trained people to tolerate the absence of facilities that used to be considered essential or to find alternatives to the activities they used to enjoy. Most people have now got used to living without fitness centres, sports venues, cinemas, concert halls, and even restaurants (after 6pm), but not hair salons!   

Seeing the aggressive fifth wave of covid, Hong Kong Government panickedly added barbershops and hair salons in early February to the list of business venues that were ordered to close.  But in less than a month, the government decided to allow barbershops and hair salons to reopen, after realizing the subtle but desperate need for getting a haircut by most people!  Other businesses were jealous of such exclusive privilege to reopen. 

The importance of barbershops and hair salons has obviously been underestimated or totally unnoticed. Only until now when Government ordered their closure that people seriously felt their vitality! On the day before closure, we saw long queues of people outside almost all QB House branches rushing to get a haircut, and on the first day of reopening, we again saw long queues of people fearing possible sudden reclosure of barbershops. What a phenomenon! 

My 80-year-old father-in-law rushed to get his first jab of covid vaccine just for the sake of getting access to his favourite barbershop!   

March 23, 2022

Monday, March 21, 2022



西方發達國家對變種病毒 (Omicron) 作為主流新冠病毒的病癥和嚴重性已有一定的認識,疫苗接種已達到廣泛程度(95%),加上感染率亦已接近飽和。根據外國數據,Omicron 的威脅性已跟一般流感病毒無異,雖不能令它徹底消失,但縱然與它共存也沒甚可怕。香港錄得的死亡率(至今0.7%)比其他國家多出三成以上,和內地相比更誇張得不合情理,原因可能與死亡分類的方法有關,若將Omicron與其他病因一併計算的話,死亡率必定偏高。例如,把一位癌症末期病人感染 Omicron 後死亡的個案納入計算 Omicron 的死亡率是否恰當? 正當大部分發達國家已經重新開放,港府還堅持清零,透過親政府人士不斷宣傳清零的好處(甚至宣揚「不清零即赴黃泉」的謬論),花費巨額建造大量隔離設施為滿足全民檢測之後衍生的隔離需要。要強調的是,「清零」的好處是無庸置疑的,但鑒於變種病毒的性質、可控性及疫苗接種率的客觀因數,理性抗疫的抉擇應在乎能否平衡可行性、社會代價和經濟代價。

政府的抗疫政策明顯脫離科學現實,面對嚴重下滑的經濟,「派錢」是唯一補教方案,但依然堅持清零」作為抗疫目標官員還掩耳盜鈴的假定市民相信官方發放的信息,而事實上,國際資訊仍可在香港流通,大部份香港人和在港工作的外國人已掌握 Omicron 的科學數據和對不同年齡人士的風險,並在社交媒體提出各種質疑。港府在國際社會的眼中,表現得極為愚昧,反映了它徹底失去管治的自主權,將抗疫政治化,若把「動態清零」看成不可動搖的政治立場,又如何理性抗疫?如今,根據外國數據,Omicron 的重症及死亡率與流感相若,即使全港兩百多萬人曾感染 Omicron 也屬正常,真正的焦點是能否透過接種疫苗保護長者和長期病患者。

倘若 Omicron 在內地爆發,相信中央政府亦難敵經濟滑落的壓力或民眾的極端反應,恐怕也要放棄「動態清零」了,推出「中國式共存」新口號,例如先把新冠病毒歸類為甚麼新感冒,到時候港府官員及一眾忠心耿耿的良好市民也定必出來擁護「中國香港式共存」!把話說得太盡,不留轉身餘地,實在不智。明明說好要「堅持清零」到底,不負中央心意,突然轉軚又情何以堪?明明說過與病毒共存就必共赴黃泉,但倘若中央一聲令下,又馬上毫不動搖的去配合黃泉之路。說得過去嗎?



Thursday, March 10, 2022








*根據通訊管理局設立「緊急警示」的公告,「緊急警示」系統是在極端天氣、嚴重的公共安全和衞生事故等緊急情況下,向全港手機用戶發出「有迫切性的公告及訊息」。在美國、加拿大等地也有類似的alert message,主要牽涉人身安全和重大事故,接收警示的範圍也限於有關地區。究竟昨天的醫院安排(指定一所位於九龍的公立醫院處理COVID病人)又有何迫切性和廣泛性,必須於下午5時55分發給全港市民?

Saturday, March 5, 2022

An Anecdote. Zero Covid or Coexistence?

Thirty years ago I attended an international conference in a Boston hotel during a hot summer week. In an early morning lecture, a few folks arrived at the room on time, and after the lecture began, people kept coming in at different times while the speaker spoke. Latecomers weren't totally unusual on this kind of occasion though not very respectful, but the problem was the door banged shut every time a person came in. That's annoying! Two co-chairmen, one American and one Chinese, sitting at the front bench obviously noted the situation. One of them interrupted and suggested stopping latecomers, and he made that suggestion in a friendly manner. Sounded logical! After all, the lecture had got started for more than half an hour. The other guy, however, requested the conference assistant to help get the hotel staff to fix the door. The anecdote is still relevant: fixing people versus fixing the problem. 

The fundamental issue of all the discussions in the past whole year on "zero covid versus co-existence with the virus" is between restricting people's freedom to stop the spread and achieving the needed herd immunity. If you have absolute power, you can restrict people's mobility and that's the best intervention to achieve "zero covid". This could also be morally correct in the early stage when very little was known about the virus and its possible detrimental consequence, and social restriction was the only way to stop the spread. However, this didn't work for democratic countries, even for a health cause! Even Japan and Korea, where a high level of self-discipline could be expected of people, were no exception! Numbers still soared in these countries. The fundamental conflict with western values and lifestyle naturally steered mentality shift towards finding a cure instead, an effective vaccine in this situation. They did it in an unprecedented short lead-time using advanced mRNA technology. Pfizer-BioNTech, Moderna, and Johnson & Johnson have become widely available since early last year. Furthermore, by now, we have also gained a good knowledge of the virus and the extent of its effects, though through a painful process. Most countries are now reopening their borders and lifting all remaining restrictions. 

What do we do in Hong Kong? "Zero covid" is still the official stand, while we are at the same time achieving a high vaccination rate. With Omicron being the dominating variant and being much milder, does it really justify a "zero covid" policy that relies on drastic restriction of freedom? We never needed such drastic restrictions to avoid the spreading of flu or common cold, though severe or death cases were also possible. For Hong Kong, the decision for maintaining "zero covid" has become irrational and purely political, if the vaccination rate has already reached 90%. What's the point for vaccination if you still need to trace every case and identify transmission paths? The fact is that the 0.03% severe cases among the vaccinated patients are not solely covid related because they are mostly from elderly groups or with chronic or critical illnesses. This is comparable with flu that happens every year. 

Our leaders are best at creating linguistic illusions. If you cannot achieve zero covid, you claim that you are achieving "dynamic zero covid", and if you cannot declare co-existence with the virus (as it is a political crime to comply with the evil west), you may declare "co-existence in a special way". Then, as usual, after a bit of brainwashing, we will claim another remarkable victory of a "special-style" co-existence policy! 

March 6, 2022


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