Monday, July 19, 2021


性別歧視在上世紀80年代開始受到關注,當時針對的僅是「生物性別」的歧視,即基於生物性別定義對男性或女性在某場合、角色、工作崗位等受到的不公平對待。而同性戀人士所受到的歧視,就一般不納入性別歧視的範圍,甚至有政府官員、議員、宗教團體帶頭歧視,視同性戀者為不道德、反倫理的異類。而事實上,我們的所謂道德標準,是基於對少數人的誤解和對科學的無知,認定他們的行為和取向離經叛道違反道德倫理。上世紀50年代,著名電腦科學家 Alan Turing 的經歷是典型的歧視例子,他被強迫接受治療,蒙受極大的精神及身體虐待,至2009年英國首相Gordon Brown才正式代表國家向已故 Turing 作公開道歉。





有些極端宗教人士認為,按聖經的教導,一男一女才可結合,同性戀是違反聖經的教誨,所以理直氣壯的譴責同性戀行為。他們忽略了聖經作為歷史文獻的基本背景,舊約聖經大部份是以預言體寫成,並非事實的描述,是鑒於兩千多年前猶太的社會環境和有限的科學知識,給予人們基本及具權威性的行為規範。然而,新約聖經卻對少數人的平等權利作出了補充,耶穌在講述義人與君王的故事時說:「凡你們對我這些最小兄弟中的一個所做的,就是對我做的!」(瑪竇福音25 : 40)這是聖經對「反歧視」最明確的闡述,耶穌說的「最小兄弟」就是受壓迫的小眾



*性別的基本屬性包括 (1) 生物性別、(2) 自我性別認同、和 (3) 性取向。
(1) 生物性別是「男」的,編碼為「0」;「女」的為「1」。
(2) 自我性別認同是「男」的,編碼為「0」;「女」的為「1」。
(3) 性取向是喜歡「女」的,編碼為「0」;「男」的為「1」。
如果以三種屬性作編碼分類,可能性是 000,001,010,011,100,101,110,111,共8種。最常見的「男」性是 000,而最常見的「」性是 111。 Gay 是 001, 010,011 的統稱,而 lesbian 是 101,110,100 的統稱。由於自我認同不能從外表看出來,導致性取向可能出現對男和女都同感興趣,如果把 bisexual 分開編碼,性別組合就多了8種,即共16種。

Wednesday, July 14, 2021

The Inefficient Court

The first trial under the Beijing's imposed national security law has attracted overwhelming attention of the city. Today is the fourteenth day of the on-going trial. Discussions of the transcriptions have appeared in online media. The lengthy debates between the prosecutor and the expert witnesses have been most educational, and in a way quite entertaining*. The focus has been the meaning of the slogan "Liberate HK, revolution of our times" and its relation with separatism or independence, which is crucial to establishing the intention of the defendant in "inciting others to overthrow the regime", a speech crime allegedly committed by the 24-year-old suspect who carried a flag with the slogan in public. The world heard how the two professors analyzed the words in multi-dimensional contexts involving Chinese history, world history, linguistics, social science, media and communications, and even psychology. And the courtroom became a classroom where the professor explained to students (the humble judges, counsels, and spectators) the statistical concept of 'correlation coefficient' and how it was used to assess the correlation between the slogan and separatism.

Hong Kong is still lucky, having its court open and allowing debates to be heard by the public. Although conviction seems likely, based on the way this Beijing imposed 'law' is written, members of the public could still follow the trial and make their own judgement on this speech crime.

Very soon, the government will become impatient watching such trials and being embarrassed by the prosecutor's lack of better logic. When it has come to a point where this British style common law practice is no longer tolerable to Beijing or simply not efficient enough to achieve a 99% conviction rate, trials in Hong Kong will rapidly adopt the more efficient Chinese way: suspects will be arrested, denied bail by default, locked up, treated (in ways nobody knows exactly what happens), and made to publish an open confession admitting all alleged offences. Courts won't conduct open trials but claim to act according to the law. Of course, everything complies with the law. Members of the public would only need to be informed of the verdict.

Hong Kong will be ruled according to the law (依法辦事), though not necessarily abiding by the rule of law(法治).

July 15, 2021

*第 14 日審訊 辯方專家證人李立峯繼續作供
**選櫻桃的人 – 譚蕙芸

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