Wednesday, December 28, 2022


九個月前寫下的 Blog 有以下的猜想:

“... ... 倘若 Omicron 在內地爆發,相信中央政府亦難敵經濟滑落的壓力或民眾的極端反應,恐怕也要放棄「動態清零」了,推出「中國式共存」新口號,例如先把新冠病毒歸類為甚麼新感冒,到時候港府官員及一眾忠心耿耿的良好市民也定必出來擁護「中國香港式共存」!把話說得太盡,不留轉身餘地,實在不智。明明說好要「堅持清零」到底,不負中央心意,突然轉軚又情何以堪?明明說過與病毒共存就必共赴黃泉,但倘若中央一聲令下,又馬上毫不動搖的去配合黃泉之路。說得過去嗎?” --- 2022年3月


沒想到的是內地的180度轉向,毫無準備的撤銷幾乎所有的防疫措施,各城市海嘯式爆發的消息不斷傳出,由於官方行事欠缺透明度,外界無法得知中國疫情的實質情況,加上在大規模的爆發下,有鑑於去年印度的 Delta 病毒株,病毒變種確實存在一些不確定性。歷史重回到2020年初武漢的情況,各國紛紛從新向中、港、澳人士作出入境限制,如從新要求提供PCR陰性證明方可入境等措施,對蠢蠢欲動的港人做成嚴重打擊!樂觀的看,現在大部份地區包括香港的疫苗接種率已達至足夠建立免疫屏障,即使再爆發理應比2020年的輕微。

可憐的香港政府,全無自主能力,一班醫學精英只能被動應對。中央說要毫不動搖的清零,局長也毫不動搖的追隨,在年初至今 Omicron 流行的感染數據和病徵已廣受理解的背景下,仍然發表黃泉偉論。如今中央說要與「新冠感染」共存(正確的說法是「新冠肺炎」已經成功清零了), 局長也毫不動搖的追隨,需有點兒尷尬,仍然理直氣壯的撤銷幾乎所有防疫措施。港府官員過去數個月的表現,證明只需緊緊追隨中央的路線,絕對忠誠,已經功德圓滿了。



Japan tops the most likeable country list!

Since Japan reopened to foreign visitors, it has been on the top of the priority list for the starved tourists all over Asia. Over 90% of Hong Kong people have put Japanese cities as their first and preferred destinations. 
The likeableness of Japan is self-evident, as thousands have rushed to pack their luggage for a Japanese holiday since October. Tokyo, Osaka, Kyoto, Nagoya, Sapporo, Fukuoka, ..., are all on the booking list. Airlines have been resuming flights to Japanese cities as first-tier destinations, amidst the slowly recovering flight capacity. Other Asian cities apparently don't get a proportionate share! 

As a post-pandemic observation, countries having this level of charm do reflect a cultural strength and soft power that took years to build. The variety of attractions Japan offers is amazing, from beef rice bowls to fine omakase dining, concert halls to vinyl cafes, designer brands to vintage, city walk to natural scenic hike, homestay to hot spring resorts, and general to subcultural interests, all representing a very unique destination for visitors with different interests. More importantly, Japanese society is generally admired by visitors for being polite, patient, friendly, fair, and subtly sophisticated. The many small details, which people could hardly recall one by one, have added up to make people feel the comfort and peace of mind, including the friendly facilities, the aestheticity of Japanese design, advanced yet subtle technology, clean and calm environment, the feeling of safety, etc. You don't get to see people shout in subways or dance with noisy loudspeaker music in parks or public squares!

It's interesting to probe a bit into what makes a country so likeable, or on the contrary so unlikeable! After the three years of the pandemic, we clearly see the differences and find part of the answers being rooted in the way a country is run, how people are educated and what values they hold. 

December 28, 2022

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