Thursday, January 30, 2020

Will Hong Kong be in for a severe outbreak?

A novel coronavirus began to spread from Wuhan in December 2019, and now infected cases are confirmed in almost every province in China; and in the past 10 days has flown to other Asian countries and across the Pacific as well, with over 7000 people infected globally so far. Hong Kong has imported 10 cases via its many ports directly bordering with the mainland. Though Hong Kong people are vigilant of the outbreak, the painful memory of SARS has created tremendous stress and fear. The question is: will Hong Kong repeat history and be in for another severe outbreak?

Here is my quick and crude analysis, based on limited data


From 22/1 to 29/1, the number of confirmed cases in HK grew from 0 to 10.

  • 23/1 +2 cases, total=2

  • 24/1 +3 cases, total=5

  • 26/1 +3 cases, total=8

  • 29/1 +2 cases, total=10


My model is based on the simple rationale that new cases are related to existing cases, both within HK and imported from Wuhan. To keep it simple, I assume the bigger Wuhan area being the entire mainland. So, for Hong Kong, it is sufficient to assume just Hong Kong-Wuhan(=Mainland) interaction. So, how fast our number grows depends on

1. our own number

2. Wuhan’s number

3. recovery rate (awareness, protection, etc)

Yes, this is essentially a simplified "SIR" model*, as the academics used to call it. So, I am just pulling out the following simple equation, assuming that the incubation period is 10 days, i.e., in any day, people who can infect you are actually 10 times more than the infected number because they do not have symptom in the first ~10 days after being infected. This is just

RateHK(t) = αHK * (10) * NHK + βHK * τHK * 10 * NWγ * (NHK+NW)


  • RateHK(t) = rate of increase of infected cases, i.e., number of new cases per day;

  • NHK = number of infected cases in HK;

  • NW = number of infected cases in Wuhan (mainland);

  • α, β = infection rates;

  • γ = recovery rate;

  • τ = traffic factor (with this parameter, I can extend the model to other cities of the entire China).

Or equivalently, by redefining parameters for simplicity's sake (only for HK anyway), we have

RateHK(t) = ΑHK * NHK + ΒHK * NWΓ * (NHK+NW)

Now, filling in the past data (limited though), the average rates in 22-23/1, 23-24/1 and 24-26/1 are

  • RateHK(ave) = 2 = ΑHK * 2 + ΒHK * 4000 – ΓHK * 0.05 * 4002

  • RateHK(ave) = 3 = ΑHK * 5 + ΒHK * 4500 – ΓHK * 0.1* 5005

  • RateHK(ave) = 1.5 = ΑHK * 8 + ΒHK * 6000 – ΓHK * 0.5 * 6008

The factor 0.05, 0.1 and 0.5 in the third term is to adjust the society’s awareness of self-protection that retards the transmission rate. At the beginning, awareness was very poor in the mainland, I would say 0.05 as the factor of awareness that reduces the recovery rate. Then, in later few days, people get better educated, say being improved to 0.1. Then, at the latest time, I assume that most are vigilant, hence 0.5. This factor is necessary unless we make alpha and beta time-varying to address the same effect.

Solving the equations from the data, we get ΑHK = 0.405, ΒHK = 0.0003782, and ΓHK = 0.0016.


So, here we go (assuming full awareness of self-protection):

RateHK = 0.405 NHK + 0.0003782 NW – 0.0016 * 1.0 * (NHK+NW)

Just a bit of nasty arithmetics, averaging over next 30 days, NHK should be adjusted to NHK(now) + RateHK*15. So, the next 30 days, we have

RateHK = 0.405 (NHK(now)+RateHK*15) + 0.0003782 NW – 0.0016 * 1.0 * (NHK(now)+RateHK*15+NW)

Assume Wuhan’s outbreak continues in the next 4 weeks. Let’s speculate 3 scenarios, depending on the mainland situation and assuming that our borders remain opened (at least our CE had insisted it be so).

  1. WORST: For extreme outbreak, let NW = 100000 average in Feb.

  2. POOR: For severe outbreak, let NW = 50000 average in Feb

  3. HOPEFUL: If outbreak in Wuhan (mainland) is under control, let NW = 10000 average in Feb.

PREDICTION of Rate_HK for next 30 days:

  1. WORST: RateHK = 15 cases per day

  2. POOR: RateHK = 7 cases per day

  3. HOPEFUL: RateHK = 0 cases per day (as RateHK < 0)


I don't have enough data to establish a confidence level. Perhaps somewhere between HOPEFUL and POOR is the most likely event, as the mainland number continues to soar over 10,000!

I must also confess that I did not consider the contact network and individual behavior in the above analysis. So, not perfect though, still I would say they aren't completely unreasonable estimates.

30 January 2020

__________________*M. Small, P. Shi and C. K. Tse, "Plausible Models for Propagation of the SARS Virus," IEICE Transactions on Fundamentals of Electronics Communications and Computer Sciences, vol. E87-A, no. 9, pp. 2379-2386, September 2004.M. Small, C. K. Tse, and D.M. Walker, "Super-spreaders and the rate of transmission of the SARS virus," Physica D, vol. 215, pp. 146-158, March 2006.

Wednesday, January 8, 2020

「大樂必易」:滄海一聲笑與 Joy to the World

黃霑在憶述他為電影《笑傲江湖》配樂時,說導演徐克要求他譜寫主題曲, 並指定主題曲必須配合電影中的一幕講及兩位武林高手(曲洋、劉正風)與令狐沖在船上即興創奏出來的樂曲。出自高手的必定是偉大的音樂,黃霑絞盡腦汁寫了好幾首給徐克,都不獲接受,最後黃霑從古書《樂志》中的一句「大樂必易」得到了靈感!

中國最古老的音樂旋律基本上只有五個音階,即是 宮、商、角、徵、羽(do、re、mi、so、la),黃霑就直接將五個音階從高到低依序排下來,la---so-mi--re--do--,mi---re-do--La--So--,就這樣寫出了「滄海一聲笑,滔滔兩岸潮」,然後,再由低至高、高至低隨便反覆的滑行幾次,就這樣完成了這首在中、港、台都極為流行的經典名曲。

聖誕節期間,聽到收音機播出耳熟能詳的 "Joy to the World",此曲是公認的經典,幾乎地球上每個角落都有當地語言的版本,中文版叫「普世歡騰」。細心聆聽,發現 "Joy to the World, the Lord is come" 的旋律跟「滄海一聲笑」有異曲同工之妙。C 大調八個音階從高到低依序排列, do--ti--la-so--- fa-mi--re--do,然後,旋律照樣由低至高、高至低隨意反覆滑行!"Joy to the World" 同樣是「大樂必易」的經典例子!


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