Monday, October 19, 2020

問題翻譯 2.0

香港政府推出「抗疫基金」,為受COVID影響的企業和市民提供援助,「抗疫基金」英文竟然直譯為「Anti-Epidemic Fund」。不懂中文的朋友起初以為是為醫護界提供額外資源,務求儘快遏止病毒蔓延,又或者是為香港生物科技業界提供資金,加速研製疫苗。但香港並無研發疫苗的機構,大學也只是與某些內地和海外研究團隊合作而已,何來Anti-Epidemic 的 Fund?

Anti-Epidemic 明顯是「抗-疫」的直譯, 先有中,後譯英。問題是,有關政策局和行政部門精英雲集,竟無人察覺,讓如此垃圾翻譯出街,非常搞笑!美國類似基金叫「COVID-19 Relief Fund」,語義非常清晰,字眼是 relief,目標自然是為紓緩市民大眾因疫情所遭受的經濟困境而提供的援助。除了Anti-Epidemic 本身的意譯誤差,執行翻譯的官員的基本事實查證也欠妥,世衛在港府推出「抗疫基金」之前已老早宣布 COVID-19 成為全球大流行,本來的 Epidemic 已升級為 Pandemic,就算是誤譯也應該是 Anti-Pandemic Fund 才錯得對,現在乃錯上錯!

幾年前寫過兩篇關於香港的問題翻譯的博文1,2,主要是中譯的問題,是先英後中所牽涉的技術問題和文化差異產生的誤譯。現在剛剛相反,進化為問題翻譯 2.0!


1 博士候選人:你幾時去參選?
2 從航機廣播看中國人的自信

Wednesday, September 30, 2020


不少香港人對露宿者的印象都不外乎是一群無依無靠和「窮到窿」的不幸人口, 沒深究他們背後的故事。如果你也是這樣想,「麥路人」這齣電影將改變你對露宿者的態度,更令你反思人生的無常, 以及人與人之間莫名其妙的關係。

劇中最早出場的年輕人,首先說明世上沒有不勞而獲, 不長進、不努力,就絕對不會有回報。這也許是大家廣為接受的真理,但反過來問,付出了努力就必能得到回報嗎?* 劇中的媽媽帶著女兒於麥記借宿,雖然已盡了一切努力,卻不獲半點回報,甚至厄運接二連三的降臨在她身上。所謂「種瓜得瓜」恐怕只是人們一廂情願以為好心必有好報的虛假邏輯,世事又豈能盡如人意! 婆媳關係素以糾紛居多,何以媳婦自願替婆婆還債?稍有常識的導演都不應該犯如此低級錯誤,劇中展現媳婦對婆婆的反常無私奉獻顯然是導演刻意安排,令觀眾反思人際關係的多元性,不可一概而論。





Tuesday, September 8, 2020





市民對今次全民檢測的反應冷淡,也是對政府未來施政的警示!自去年6月,香港政府跟六成香港人對立(以去年區選的64比例計算),而元朗721、太子831 等事件,過程被傳媒廣泛披露,於無數網上視頻亦清晰可見,仇口之大,傷痕之深,短期內無法修復。在這種敵對的情形下,政府雖獲國安法寶,可震懾示威活動,壓制反對言論,甚至趁機把反對派連根拔起,但很難消除市民對政府政策的戒心,而選擇留港的市民採取消極態度是唯一出路。



** 港府於9月15日公布「全民自願檢測計畫」花費5.3億港元,當中大概3.7億為支付包括內地醫護人員費用。

Sunday, August 9, 2020








Friday, July 31, 2020

Dramatic Moment in "The Crown" Season 2

In the Netflix series The Crown season 2*, one whole episode is devoted to the true story of Lord Altrincham who helped the British monarchy survive by publishing his thoughts on Queen Elizabeth II and openly criticising her and her courtiers of being outdated and irrelevant. Sixty years have passed and the story represented one of the most dramatic moments that influenced the centuries old institution. The monarchy still survives, and the British majority seem to be proud of the coexistence of, and are well aware of the distinction between, the executive who actually administers the country and the Queen who serves only a titular role.

For audience here in Hong Kong, the most dramatic scene in the episode was probably when the Queen candidly arranged herself to meet with Lord Altrincham and to listen to his critical and relentless views against herself. Given it was 60 years ago, the Queen's status was supreme, and she had all the reasons (and power) to ignore any unlikable comments or even to mute them off completely! But the Queen eventually accepted all the "stops" and "starts" proposed by Lord Altrimcham, and created a whole new era in the history of the British monarchy. This story, well documented in the British news archive, demonstrated the magical power of the Queen's willingness to listen to comments, however critical and unwelcome, in winning the hearts of people. Moreover, most of us here would be tempted to compare what would happen to Lord Altrimcham if he were in China or Hong Kong now! Would he be loyal or stupid enough to publish his open comments against the nation's leader even if the comments were for the good of his nation? If he would, his only fate would be to spend the rest of his life behind bars. The reality is that no Lord Altrincham would ever exist in China, and neither would his journal or any media that don't dance to the leader's tune. The root cause, as we can clearly see, is the lack of an effective mutual control and an open accountable system that are necessary for a nation to advance in a world that increasingly shares the values of freedom and democracy.

July 31, 2020

*The Crown Season 2 – Netflix

Tuesday, July 21, 2020

Cause and effect can't be reversed!

Anyone who has some common sense would have felt very frustrated in the past one year hearing all the nonsenses from our highly paid officials. How can one be not offended when the top administrator, who receives an undeservingly high salary, could not even distinguish a cause from its effect, or a decision from an outcome as a consequence of it.

Our CE said, in defending her belated decisions in rolling out sub-optimal disease control measures, the "6-month long" fight against the virus was very well managed and delicately balanced with due consideration of our economy and other societal activities. Looks like she was very proud of her half-arsed policy that has kept us in this state for 6 months, and she knew it would take this long!

So, she was correct in delaying the border closure until early March; she was correct in allowing infinite number of people to gather indoor in support of restaurant business in June; she was so so correct in allowing 50,000+ people to travel in and out of HK unchecked in the past couple of months; she was also correct in delaying work-from-home arrangement of civil servants for a week (against her advisors' advice Monday last week). All these appeared convincing only to her blind supporters!

Anyone with an ability to think should know that the present is the outcome of past events, plus other factors of course. Didn't she know that the "6-month long fight" was the outcome? We didn't have to fight for 6 months if she agreed to implement more drastic measures earlier, and keep the measures in place.

July 21, 2020

Sunday, July 12, 2020







Wednesday, June 24, 2020

National Security is Mandatory to Every Nation! Why Double Standard?

This is seemingly the most logical question any pro-establishment politician or member of the pro-government camp would put to the untamed anti-everything-China yellow camp. True, the US and other western countries all have their national security laws. So, why are you applying a different standard to your own country?

But if you put the implementation of national security in the Chinese context, applying a double standard could be fully legitimate and even necessary. Track records of law enforcement in China have already proven how violation of national security laws can be a wild-card allegation for anyone who challenges the central leadership, and how far the way trials are conducted in a Chinese court is from the civilized world, not to mention the candid trials and deprivation of rights to properly defend against the allegation. The independence of the judicial system is not even questionable; it simply does not exist in China as the judicial system is supposed to serve and collaborate with the government. It is not difficult to understand the rationale behind choosing specific judges by the chief executive to handle cases brought by the new security legislation and how unimportant the perception of conflict of interest is for China. (Some people would have deliberately confused the titular role of the chief executive in appointing judges with choosing judges for trials.) Ignoring these fundamental differences, one has no basis on which to discuss whether the same standard is applicable to assess even the reasonableness of establishing and implementing the same Chinese national security law in Hong Kong.

When a US citizen criticizes the government, chants anti-government slogans, or demands the president to step down, he does not violate any national security law. But when a Chinese citizen does the same, he can be prosecuted for "endangering national security" or "inciting subversion of state power", and the conviction rate is 99%. The root difference is that an American can vote the government out, but a Chinese must accept the government or he will face prosecution. Environmentalist Tan Zuoren, who advocated an inquiry into the substandard school buildings causing deaths of hundreds of students during the 2008 Sichuan earthquake, was sentenced to 5 years in prison for "inciting subversion of state power". Food safety worker Zhao Lianhai, who was also the father of one of the many victims of the melamine-tainted milk products, was sentenced to 2½ years imprisonment for "disturbing social order". Human rights lawyer Huang Quanzhang was held incommunicado (virtually disappeared) for three years since August 2015 and was put on trial for the wild-card allegation of "subversion of state power" in August 2018, and released in April 2020. The case of Nobel Peace Prize winner Liu Xiaobo needs no elaboration, he was convicted for making a political reform proposal. None of these cases, from arrest, trial to conviction, was compliant with western standards.

Double standard or not? It's up to you to judge!

June 24, 2020

________________ PS: All discussions now will remain purely academic, as the new national security laws will be implemented anyway, and the only hope we have is the reduced level of arbitrariness and better transparency under the common law system if trials were still allowed to be conducted in a Hong Kong court.

Wednesday, May 13, 2020




在歐洲,重點文化教育景點不會因為遊客多而瘋狂擴大,只會跟你說「Sorry! Today's quota is full!」只有粗鄙的遊客景點才會不顧一切的迎合遊客口味,務求賓至如歸,他們的定位就是生意至上,無可厚非。但我們的海洋公園應該是這樣的嗎?


Thursday, March 12, 2020

WHO's Anti-logic

Donald Trump announces today that he will close all US borders with Europe except UK for the next 30 days in response to the threats of a severe outbreak of the New Coronavirus disease. Closing borders has proven effectiveness in cutting off the transmission chains of this contagious disease. Taiwan was the first to shut its borders completely with China including Hong Kong and Macau, and has so far remained relatively unaffected by the virus. Many countries have also partially closed their borders with China and other regions where an outbreak is known to occur.

Contagion always has a spreading end and a receiving end. If you're infected, you become a spreader and you should quarantine yourself to reduce the chance of infecting other people, or at least wear a mask. That's a responsible thing to do. But if you're healthy and wear a mask, you are protecting yourself against possible infection. Extending this logic to a national level, however, we only saw countries close their borders to protect themselves against inbound transmission, but there is not a single responsible nation who has closed its borders to prevent outbound transmission, which is what infected individuals are asked to do. Even more regretful is the irresponsible coercion to make other countries not to cut access when you knew you had an outbreak, using some totally irrelevant excuses such as racial discrimination claims or just being unkind (不厚道1—a shameful remark by a nation's spokesman). Of course the real motivation could be economical, or a narrow-minded national pride mentality, or simply selfishness.

The worst among all is the behavior of WHO, who is supposed to stand on the side of protecting people's health but had chosen to play down the situation at the early phase of the outbreak in China, and even advised countries to be cautious about making travel bans that would promote racial discrimination. Despite racial discrimination being none of WHO's business, such advice issued at the early outbreak stage was totally inappropriate and definitely not helpful in containing the virus. Instead, what WHO should and ought to do was to advise its member nations to quarantine themselves (shutting their own borders) should an outbreak occur.

The world is doomed as a result of the poor judgement of WHO and the apparent political bias of the leadership. After these few months, we clearly see the ugliness of the "big" nations, and we also know we should not take WHO's advice seriously if you still wish to survive with good health!

March 12, 2020

_________________1回應美國提升中國旅遊警示 華春瑩:美國實在太不厚道」— Citizen News, February 1, 2020

Thursday, January 30, 2020

Will Hong Kong be in for a severe outbreak?

A novel coronavirus began to spread from Wuhan in December 2019, and now infected cases are confirmed in almost every province in China; and in the past 10 days has flown to other Asian countries and across the Pacific as well, with over 7000 people infected globally so far. Hong Kong has imported 10 cases via its many ports directly bordering with the mainland. Though Hong Kong people are vigilant of the outbreak, the painful memory of SARS has created tremendous stress and fear. The question is: will Hong Kong repeat history and be in for another severe outbreak?

Here is my quick and crude analysis, based on limited data


From 22/1 to 29/1, the number of confirmed cases in HK grew from 0 to 10.

  • 23/1 +2 cases, total=2

  • 24/1 +3 cases, total=5

  • 26/1 +3 cases, total=8

  • 29/1 +2 cases, total=10


My model is based on the simple rationale that new cases are related to existing cases, both within HK and imported from Wuhan. To keep it simple, I assume the bigger Wuhan area being the entire mainland. So, for Hong Kong, it is sufficient to assume just Hong Kong-Wuhan(=Mainland) interaction. So, how fast our number grows depends on

1. our own number

2. Wuhan’s number

3. recovery rate (awareness, protection, etc)

Yes, this is essentially a simplified "SIR" model*, as the academics used to call it. So, I am just pulling out the following simple equation, assuming that the incubation period is 10 days, i.e., in any day, people who can infect you are actually 10 times more than the infected number because they do not have symptom in the first ~10 days after being infected. This is just

RateHK(t) = αHK * (10) * NHK + βHK * τHK * 10 * NWγ * (NHK+NW)


  • RateHK(t) = rate of increase of infected cases, i.e., number of new cases per day;

  • NHK = number of infected cases in HK;

  • NW = number of infected cases in Wuhan (mainland);

  • α, β = infection rates;

  • γ = recovery rate;

  • τ = traffic factor (with this parameter, I can extend the model to other cities of the entire China).

Or equivalently, by redefining parameters for simplicity's sake (only for HK anyway), we have

RateHK(t) = ΑHK * NHK + ΒHK * NWΓ * (NHK+NW)

Now, filling in the past data (limited though), the average rates in 22-23/1, 23-24/1 and 24-26/1 are

  • RateHK(ave) = 2 = ΑHK * 2 + ΒHK * 4000 – ΓHK * 0.05 * 4002

  • RateHK(ave) = 3 = ΑHK * 5 + ΒHK * 4500 – ΓHK * 0.1* 5005

  • RateHK(ave) = 1.5 = ΑHK * 8 + ΒHK * 6000 – ΓHK * 0.5 * 6008

The factor 0.05, 0.1 and 0.5 in the third term is to adjust the society’s awareness of self-protection that retards the transmission rate. At the beginning, awareness was very poor in the mainland, I would say 0.05 as the factor of awareness that reduces the recovery rate. Then, in later few days, people get better educated, say being improved to 0.1. Then, at the latest time, I assume that most are vigilant, hence 0.5. This factor is necessary unless we make alpha and beta time-varying to address the same effect.

Solving the equations from the data, we get ΑHK = 0.405, ΒHK = 0.0003782, and ΓHK = 0.0016.


So, here we go (assuming full awareness of self-protection):

RateHK = 0.405 NHK + 0.0003782 NW – 0.0016 * 1.0 * (NHK+NW)

Just a bit of nasty arithmetics, averaging over next 30 days, NHK should be adjusted to NHK(now) + RateHK*15. So, the next 30 days, we have

RateHK = 0.405 (NHK(now)+RateHK*15) + 0.0003782 NW – 0.0016 * 1.0 * (NHK(now)+RateHK*15+NW)

Assume Wuhan’s outbreak continues in the next 4 weeks. Let’s speculate 3 scenarios, depending on the mainland situation and assuming that our borders remain opened (at least our CE had insisted it be so).

  1. WORST: For extreme outbreak, let NW = 100000 average in Feb.

  2. POOR: For severe outbreak, let NW = 50000 average in Feb

  3. HOPEFUL: If outbreak in Wuhan (mainland) is under control, let NW = 10000 average in Feb.

PREDICTION of Rate_HK for next 30 days:

  1. WORST: RateHK = 15 cases per day

  2. POOR: RateHK = 7 cases per day

  3. HOPEFUL: RateHK = 0 cases per day (as RateHK < 0)


I don't have enough data to establish a confidence level. Perhaps somewhere between HOPEFUL and POOR is the most likely event, as the mainland number continues to soar over 10,000!

I must also confess that I did not consider the contact network and individual behavior in the above analysis. So, not perfect though, still I would say they aren't completely unreasonable estimates.

30 January 2020

__________________*M. Small, P. Shi and C. K. Tse, "Plausible Models for Propagation of the SARS Virus," IEICE Transactions on Fundamentals of Electronics Communications and Computer Sciences, vol. E87-A, no. 9, pp. 2379-2386, September 2004.M. Small, C. K. Tse, and D.M. Walker, "Super-spreaders and the rate of transmission of the SARS virus," Physica D, vol. 215, pp. 146-158, March 2006.

Wednesday, January 8, 2020

「大樂必易」:滄海一聲笑與 Joy to the World

黃霑在憶述他為電影《笑傲江湖》配樂時,說導演徐克要求他譜寫主題曲, 並指定主題曲必須配合電影中的一幕講及兩個武林高手(曲洋、劉正風)與令狐沖在船上即興創奏出來的樂曲。出自高手的必定是偉大的音樂,黃霑絞盡腦汁寫了好幾首給徐克,都不獲接受,最後黃霑從古書《樂志》中的一句「大樂必易」得到了靈感!

中國最古老的音樂旋律基本上只有五個音階,即是 宮、商、角、徵、羽(do、re、mi、so、la),黃霑就直接將五個音階從高到低依序排下來,la---so-mi--re--do--,mi---re-do--La--So--,就這樣寫出了「滄海一聲笑,滔滔兩岸潮」,然後,再由低至高、高至低隨便反覆的滑行幾次,就這樣完成了這首在中、港、台都極為流行的經典名曲。

聖誕節期間,聽到收音機播出耳熟能詳的 "Joy to the World",此曲是公認的經典,幾乎地球上每個角落都有當地語言的版本,中文版叫「普世歡騰」。細心聆聽,發現 "Joy to the World, the Lord is come" 的旋律跟「滄海一聲笑」有異曲同工之妙。C 大調八個音階從高到低依序排列, do--ti--la-so--- fa-mi--re--do,然後,旋律照樣由低至高、高至低隨意反覆滑行!"Joy to the World" 同樣是「大樂必易」的經典例子!


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